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Return, Refund & Cancellation Policy

Return, Refund & Cancellation Policy

All our jewellery items are perfection exemplified and we strive for premium customer experience. We are sure that our irresistible range of jewellery is something you will not like to part with; still, if you are not satisfied with any of our products, our customer-friendly returns policy will be there to ensure that returning goods is as simple as cakewalk for you.


15-days return policy-no brows raised

You can return any product that you do not want from the purchase made within 15 days of placing the order provided following conditions are met:
1. Product is sent back to us in original tamper-proof packing in which you receive the product.
2. You have not made any attempt to try or use the product.
3. You have not tampered with the bar code of jewellery item sent to you.

Procedure for returning the defective jewellery piece

15 natural days is the stipulated time period(or look-through period) within which you are requested to check the quality of jewellery item sent. Any request to return any product after 15 days will not be considered and the contract will be deemed as final sale. In case you find any defect/discrepancy of any sorts in the product at the time of receiving it, you are requested to send us the photographs and raise the refund/replacement request immediately.

I want to return goods that I don't want, Can I?

Yes, you can. If you find any discrepancy in the quality of the goods purchased, you can return them to us. Look-through period for our products is 15 days from the day of delivery; sale will be final post the expiry of this period. We are afraid that we would not be able to entertain any returns request after the said period.

I want to return goods, how can I do it?

All goods will be sent to you with a response/return form and product barcode sticker enclosed with it. You are requested to stick the barcode on the return envelope and fill the returns form mentioning the reason for return. This form will also specify the address where you are supposed to return the goods. Please note that the shipping charges for returning the goods will be borne by the customer; only in case of severely damaged articles, we will offer free returns shipping.

Will I be offered replacement for defective articles?

We give our customer the choice of asking for refund or replacement if they are not satisfied with the quality of the purchase. Entertaining a replacement request is subject to availability of replacement item in the stock. We may also offer you certain similar items to choose from, falling under the same price range, as a part of our customer retention process.

Will I be charged shipping expenses for the article replaced?

We would appreciate your care in handling of articles during look-through period. If the article is damaged due to customer's negligence, then company will not be entertaining any replacement request. If you return the packet as it is and ask for replacement because of the discrepancy in design or quality, we would bear the shipping charges for you.


Will I get the refund for the article returned due to dissatisfaction?

Yes, of course. Please note that shipping and handling charges will be waived off only if the article you receive is in damaged condition or the article is of extremely low quality or defective in any sense. All you need to do is send us the photographs of damaged/defective article taken on receipt of the packet and ask for refund.

How long will it take to process the refund?

We take maximum of 25 working days from the date of arrival of packet to our warehouse to process the refund request. We request you to stick the product barcode on the returns packet so that an e-mail can be sent to you as soon as it reaches us. Minimum of 7 days is all we take to process the request if any dispute( discrepancy in quality, damaged articles etc) is not involved. In case of 'Cash on Delivery', the purchase amount will be refunded through cheque. For payments made through credit card/ debit cards/cash cards etc., the corresponding account will be credited with refund value from which the payment is made.


You can cancel your order by intimating about it at before the order is shipped. Your entire purchase amount will be refunded to you without any question. In case you may require cancelling the order while it is on the way, you may still do so. Refunds will be processed as soon as the consignment reaches back to our warehouse.
Please note that cancellation request will not be entertained once the shipment reaches your doorsteps.

Please note: We follow the easiest possible returns policy to make our customers' shopping experience as delightful as possible. Therefore, we advise our customers not to try wearing jewellery or tamper with its protective seal of if you intend to return the purchase. Company considers the refund request only when the customer sends back the packet as it is.