About Us
Gemtogems.in is an ultimate online destination of exquisite range of gemstones beads, strands and jewellery made while keeping in mind the choices and preferences of women of today. Our jewellery range is the result of our experience of years and can be called the true amalgamation of east and west. This we have achieved because of our successful existence in European market for years helping us understand the varied cultures and trends that can be incorporated in Indian context of jewellery making too.
Our ever-expanding repertoire of gemstones resulting from numerous production lines helps us develop jewellery items of world-class standards. Our cost-effective manufacturing bases in India and China, standing at the cutting edge of technology, are the reason behind our incredibly competitive price range that simply puts us in the league of top-notch gemstone jewellery dealers in India.
We have now come up with assorted range of necklaces, bracelets, pendants, earrings etc made using precious gemstones such as ruby, sapphire, emerald, beryl and other affordable gemstones to suit different preferences and pocket sizes. Our jewellery range is must-have for the ever-changing wardrobes of yours and spells traditional as well as modern values in their most quintessential form.
We believe in customer experience par excellence and so have taken special care in selecting the exquisite jewellery items in our collection ensuring it to be an epitome of authenticity and mastered craftsmanship. Our in-house team of lapidary experts helps us employ the most unique and innovative cuts and shapes in gemstones that are being used in making stylish irresistible jewellery range sure to bring sparkle to your eyes and smile on your face.
Our mission is to bring the most compelling jewellery items to your doorsteps making their shopping nothing more than a cakewalk for you. Thus, we have roped in the most professional hands as our delivery partners and our customer-friendly business policies related to ordering, shipping and returns ensure additional peace of mind to our valued patrons.
Indulge in the most enthralling gemstone jewellery buying experience of all times guaranteed by the perfection and commitment of Gemtogems - a place where nothing but the trust prevails!
Gemtogems.in is a part of Gem To Gems Private Limited. Gem To Gems Private Limited is a freshly established e-commerce company aimed at redefining the experience of buying gemstone jewellery in India. This company is the result of invaluable experience of 22 years gathered by its visionary Mr Prem Sajnani in the field of gems and jewellery sector. This e-commerce company is led and managed by the team of well-seasoned professionals who have known their art really well and are committed towards making this company the future face of gemstone jewellery industry in coming times.